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SCHEDULED DOWNTIME - The Head to Health website is transitioning to Medicare Mental Health. While we launch the new website, the Head to Health website will not be available on Tuesday 18th February from 8:30am to 10:00am (AEDT). We apologise for any inconvenience.

Welcome to our new website

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On this page
On this page

Head to Health has been refreshed. Let us know what you think.

Why has the website changed?

The 2020 Productivity Commission report into mental health identified the need to improve mental health services across Australia. From October 2021, the Head to Health team talked to hundreds of Australians to understand their experiences, challenges, and ideas. We worked with mental health professionals, people with lived experience, families, and others to identify what might help.

These ideas have been developed into this refreshed website. We’re excited to now share them with people across Australia and you and more broadly to see if you think they will help.

What’s new?

If you’ve used Head to Health before, it may take you some time to get used to the new look and feel and content.  We’ve tried out some new ideas, but you will still find helpful and up-to-date information, tools, and resources to support your mental health journey or the journey of someone you support.

The goal of the new site is to create a more tailored experience that connects you with wellbeing and mental health services based on your needs and preferences.
Here are some of the new changes:

  • A new look and feel to make the experience warm and welcoming
  • The addition of a guided quiz, which can help give you first steps to take, or point you to the resources and services best suited to you
  • Inclusion of a broader range of mental health services and face-to-face options to make connecting with a mental health professional easier, including helping you find a GP or GP practice if you don’t already have one
  • New information pages and navigation structure to help you find what you need at the right point in time
  • A new Head to Health referral service for health professionals to recommend information and services for you.

Tell us what you think

As you explore the new content and resources, let us know your thoughts on the changes. This will help us understand what’s working well and what we can improve on this site.

We want to continue to make Head to Health accessible and relevant for all Australians. Your feedback will go a long way towards helping us deliver a smooth and welcoming experience.

Please take this short survey to share your experience. (This survey will open in a new tab, so you can continue using the website)

Complaints or concerns

The Head to Health website is provided by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. If you have any concerns or complaints about the website you would like to raise, please contact the Department.