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SCHEDULED DOWNTIME - The Head to Health website is transitioning to Medicare Mental Health. While we launch the new website, the Head to Health website will not be available on Tuesday 18th February from 8:30am to 10:00am (AEDT). We apologise for any inconvenience.

Info and factsheets


Access this service

About this service

People with a specific phobia have developed an extreme fear of a particular object, activity or situation which is out of proportion with the actual level of threat posed. They will actively avoid the feared object or situation and experience a high level of anxiety if encountered.

This service may help:

  • Identify some common and specific phobias
  • Identify factors that a linked to the development of a specific phobia
  • What treatments and help are available for phobias

Service for

Anyone in need
Anyone in need



Age group

16 years and over




1 day or One-off service



Therapy framework

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)