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SCHEDULED DOWNTIME - The Head to Health website is transitioning to Medicare Mental Health. While we launch the new website, the Head to Health website will not be available on Tuesday 18th February from 8:30am to 10:00am (AEDT). We apologise for any inconvenience.

Find a GP or mental health service near you

If you can’t find a mental health centre near you, call Head to Health on 1800 595 212 during the hours of 8:30am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

For all other times:

For all other times, you can contact QLD 1300 MH CALL on:

For all other times, you can contact NSW Mental Health Line on:

For all other times, you can contact ACT Crisis Assessment and Treatment Tea on:

For all other times, you can contact TAS Mental Health Services Helpline triage on:

For all other times, you can contact WA Mental Health Emergency Response Line on:

For all other times, you can contact NT Mental Health Line on:

For all other times, you can contact SA Mental Health Triage Service on:

We were unable to find any results in your suburb. We’ve provided results in the surrounding area.